Metacritic Mirror's Edge

Mirror's Edge™ delivers you straight into the shoes of this unique heroine as she traverses the vertigo-inducing cityscape, engaging in intense combat and fast paced chases. With a never before seen sense of movement and perspective, you will be drawn into Faith's world. Mirror's Edge is a game of visual contrasts, in which stark white environments contrast with vivid colors. It looks beautiful and clean, and it's a great way of demonstrating both the bleakness of. Mirror's Edge is a first-person action-adventure game from DICE where players will discover the origin story of Faith and delve deeper into the inner workings of the city and the world around it.


Horror Is a personal thing. For some BioShock's syringewielding Little Sisters cause shudders. To others Dead Space's attacking when sliced-and-diced mutants cause their bile to churn.Meanwhile gamers old enough to remember SHODAN shudder at the sound of a stuttering contralto. But the game that terrifies me is Mirror's Edge.


Really, this game shouldn't generate any sort of dread: its City is antiseptically clean and blindingly shiny; the gameplay is practically gore-free; and the trance soundtrack is unable to cause tension. Yet if I play this game for more than a minute, my sweaty palms cause my hands to slip off my controller, and my heart tries to pound out of my ribcage.Really, I shouldn't be surprised by these affects - you see, I'm acrophobic.


I can't use a stepladder, let alone stand on a chair, without quaking. Occasionally I've woken screaming, due to dreams that I'm falling off a skyscraper.

Yet in Mirror's Edge I take on the role of Faith, who uses parkour to bound across rooftops.


Now thanks to DICE, I've spent the last few days watching skyscraper windows flash before my eyes as I slip from a ledge, and listening to all-too-realistic sounds of bones crunching and flesh splattering as Faith strikes concrete.

This game plays out my nightmares in front of my eyes. Worse - it's forcing me to take part in my nightmares.


Stopping playing should be the sensible thing to do, but it appears there's something positive about this experience. I'm roughly halfway through the game, but now my palms are distinctly less sweaty, my breathing is less laboured, and my shivering is reduced when I play. In short, the more I play Mirror's Edge, the more my phobia seems to be fading.

I doubt you'll ever see me tracing along London's rooftops, but Faith's suffering could mean that stepladders won't terrify me any more.

Metacritic Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Windows PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Xbox One

Metacritic Mirror S Edge

  • No Interactive Elements

Mirror's Edge Review

Mirror's Edge(TM) is an action game set in a futuristic world of 'runners,' 'Big Brother' surveillance, and adventure. Players control Faith, a courier who runs along rooftops, up pipes and around every kind of obstacle to get from point A to point B. Paramilitary forces called the 'PK' are dispatched to eradicate runners like Faith, and they shoot at the player's character with various handguns, tazers, and machine guns. Players can also engage in firefights and hand-to-hand combat with the PK, and a slight red blood effect is emitted from wounded enemies. In addition, a cutscene depicts a dead man slumped over on his desk with his head lying in a small pool of red blood. Characters sometimes use profanity (e.g., 'sh*t,' 'damn,' and 'bastard') during cutscenes and gameplay.