Ang Shtypi

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Don’t you hate it when your friends show you their vacation photos and they’re all so bland and lifeless, you’re afraid you’ll start snoring right there and then? Of course you do. Normally, people hate boring things, but if those were pics of your friends, let’s say, skydiving, or snorkeling, you’d have much better time faking your “wows” and “holly craps”. Sadly this also means your vacation pics are just as bad. But don’t you worry your pretty head, I’ve just found the solution for you! If you follow these tips, your holiday photos will stand out and maybe even be good enough to go viral.

Here are 18 ways to spice up your boring vacation photos!

Fjalor Anglisht Shqip. Kjo faqe eshte krijuar qe tju vije ne ndihme nese keni veshtiresi me gjuhen angleze. Faqja e pare eshte faqja e google translate e cila mundeson jo vetem perkthimin e fjaleve por dhe te fjalive te shkurtra. Lista e filmave te 2012. Keto jane filmat e fundit te 2012 me titra shqip te cilet mund shikohen ose shkarkohen ne internet. Behuni fan ne faqen e meposhtme per te pare filma 2012 me titra shqip falas.

1. First and foremost, make sure your camera is waterproof. Then proceed to practice taking pics of girls in bikinis.

2. When going on a baboon safari always make sure to grab at least a few dozen Sneakers bars. You’ll need them to lure away the monkeys from your camera.

3. Never do this.

4. Find a good vantage point to take marvelous photos.

5. Don’t pet drop bears, but do take pictures!


Ang Shtypi

6. Never flirt with ancient statues. They don’t take break ups lightly.

7. Have balls to take pics like this one.

8. Or like this one.

9. Check and mate round-earthers! This is a definitive proof that the Earth is flat.

10. Timing your photos can be tricky, but if successful, you can get something much better than this.

11. Can you feel the magic in this photo?

12. Always have a tall friend who will pretend to be pouring water on your face.

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13. In post production always add shadows to make your pics more realistic, unlike this one.

14. Getting photobombed by local wildlife is a surefire way to go viral!

15. Take a selfie with a fish, cause why not?

16. Forced perspective is your friend! Unless your friend is about to be eaten by a giant seagull.

Fajtori Shtypi Ne Internet

17. Forget your diet.

18. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Shtypi I Dites Se Sotme

Research is done all the time and most of it goes by unnoticed, but sometimes we come across some results that are too interesting not to share. It can be fun to find out about new facts, although at times you come across things you’d rather not have known. And then there’s the issue that it’s not always completely clear whether the results are accurate.


Shtypi I Dites Ne Shqiperi


Luckily, the facts we’ve got for you today are of the fun kind! It turns out that your hand can tell you a lot about your personality. It’s really quite bizarre. This research mostly focuses on your fingers. Go to the next page to figure out what your fingers say about your personality!

Gugell Shqip Shtypi I Dites

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